Dr. Ashish Vashistha is the Best Hernia Surgeon in Delhi, a Senior Robotic laparoscopic Surgeon, Director & HOD Department of Surgery and Robotics Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket, Delhi. Share information on Umbilical Hernia.


I am a 40-year-old woman observing a bulge at the naval / belly button area. When I stand bulge increases in size and it is also associated with pain.


It has a very specific symptom that the bulge disappears when I lie down on the bed.


I went to my family doctor and he suspected an umbilical hernia. 

I was referred to Dr. ASHISH VASHISTHA, SENIOR DIRECTOR HOD, DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY & ROBOTICS at  MAX HOSPITAL SAKET DELHI. He evaluated my case and diagnosed it as a small umbilical hernia with the intestine getting struck off and on. 

Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN explained in detail about Umbilical Hernia:-


An umbilical hernia occurs when tissue bulges out through an opening in muscles on the abdomen near the naval or belly button (umbilicus ). About 8-12% of abdominal wall hernias are umbilical hernias.


Common symptoms of umbilical hernias are:-


·       Visible bulge on abdomen especially when coughing or putting strain on it.

·      Pain at bulge site which increases on standing

·      Vomiting

·      Abdominal distention

·      If you feel intense pain at the hernia site then maybe it is getting obstructed.

·      This is a surgical emergency and requires immediate treatment.


Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI Explains Why do Umbilical hernia occur:-


Why does an Umbilical hernia occur?


–     70-80 %of umbilical hernias are acquired

–     Other factors  for umbilical Hernia are –

–     Obesity

–     Multiple pregnancy-

–     Ascites

–   Stretching of abdominal musculature and excessive adiposity separate muscles and facilitate the development of hernia


Umbilical hernias can complicate


Incarcerated hernias:


When the small intestine gets stuck in hernia site leading to small bowel obstruction.

 Strangulated hernias-

 –     When the blood supply to the intestine is cut off and the intestine dies it is a medical emergency.


Dr. Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI  Explains the diagnosis of umbilical hernias:-


–     Physical examination.

–     CT Scan abdomen

–     MRI Abdomen


Dr. Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI  Explains About Management:-



–     Laparoscopic / Robotic Surgical repair is the best treatment.


Dr. AshishVashistha did  Robotic mesh Hernia Repair Surgery. I am discharged fromthe hospital and very happy to start my routine life.