Dr. Ashish Vashistha is the Best Hernia Surgeon in Delhi, a Senior Robotic laparoscopic Surgeon, Director & HOD Department of Surgery and Robotics Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket, Delhi. Share information on STRANGULATED HERNIA.


I am 78 years male leading an active lifestyle.
I go for walks about 5km daily, do yoga 3 days a week, and avid stock investor.
I keep my physical, emotional, and mental health fit. My children are busy in corporate jobs and my wife is a social worker.
5 days back, I suddenly got server pain in my lower abdomen and felt very weak. I was sweating and felt gaseous distention in my abdomen. I went to the washroom but the pain did not subside. I noticed a small red-colored tendered swelling in my right groin region.
I realized that the pain point was that. My family took me to MAX HOSPITA SAKET  around 4:00 am in the emergency room. A competent doctor from Dr. Ashish Vashistha’s team examined me and suspected an ‘Obstructed inguinal hernia.
CT Scan was done and they found an intestine and omentum struck in the hernia site. I was prepared for surgery and Dr.AshishVashistha did LAPAROSCOPIC INGUINAL  HERNIA REPAIR SURGERY.
Dr. Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI  explained in detail about Strangulated Hernia:-
A strangulated is a Medical condition where a part of the intestine  /omentum gets struck in the hernia site. The strangulated hernia  can lead to intestinal perforation or gangrene and if not treated on time can lead to shock or death of the patient
Strangulated hernia presents with the following  symptoms:-
– Acute pain
– Vomitings
– Fever
– Bloating
– Redness of hernia site
– unable to pass gas
– Increased heart rate
Dr. Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI  Explains why we get Strangulated hernia:-
Why do we get Strangulated hernia:-
–      A small hernia presents as a small bulge or swelling at the groin region or abdomen. It should not be ignored.

–     Small hernia can be surgically corrected easily and the recurrence rate is nil. When the hernia is present for a long and we do strenuous activity / chronic constipation /chronic cough/pregnancy/gain weight there is in possibility that the intestine can get stuck in the hernia site.
Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST HERNIA SURGEON IN DELHI  Explains about Treatment:-
The surgeon will try to save the intestine by trying to pull out it from the hernia site and do laparoscopic mesh repair of the hernia site.
If the intestine is not viable then a part of the intestine needs to be resected.
Small hernias should be operated on to give the best results.