Dr. Ashish Vashistha is the Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi, a Senior Robotic laparoscopic Surgeon, Director & HOD Department of Surgery and Robotics Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket Delhi. Share information on Obesity.
Question Asked - Does obesity put any risk of health problems during pregnancy?
Answer - Yes
It’s better to work on weight reduction before conceiving and bringing BMI below 23.
Also keep a check on any symptoms like polyuria polydipsia polyurea breathing difficulty, falling shortness of breath while sleeping, or headaches.
DR ASHISH VASHISTHA, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI Tells us that Obesity during pregnancy puts us at risk for several health problems: –
Gestational hypertension – High blood pressure that starts during the second half of pregnancy can lead to serious complications in the baby and mother.
Preeclampsia – Severe form of high blood pressure which generally is observed in the second trimester. We have to be careful regarding kidney function and watch full-on liver function as well. In rare cases, seizures heart attack, and stroke can Happen. High blood pressure leads to uterine growth gestation of the fetus and sometimes early induction of labor or c-section done to keep the health of mother and baby safe.
Gestational diabetes – A high level of blood sugar during pregnancy increases the risk of having a large size baby if you have gestational diabetes. There is a high risk that your children will have a higher risk of diabetes mellitus in the future.
Obstructive sleep apnea – sleep apnea is a condition in which person stops breathing for short periods during sleep . During pregnancy ,sleep appear can bring fatigue and increase risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia.