Weight Loss Surgery and Its advantages!

Weight Loss Surgery & Its Advantages!


Dr. Ashish Vashistha is the Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi, a Senior Robotic laparoscopic Surgeon, Director & HOD Department of Surgery and Robotics Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket Delhi. Share information on Weight Loss Surgery and Its advantages!






Obesity is no longerconsidered a cosmetic issue that is caused by overeating and a lack of self-control. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.), along with National and International medical and scientific societies, now recognize obesity as a chronic progressive *disease* resulting from multiple environmental and genetic factors.


Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI  shares – 

Progressive Nature of the Disease of Obesity

Obesity is considered a multifactorial disease with a strong genetic component. Acting upon a genetic background are several hormonal, metabolic, psychological, cultural, and behavioral factors that promote fat accumulation and weight gain.


Positive Energy Balance


A positive energy balance causes weight gain and occurs when the amount of calories consumed (energy intake) exceeds the amount of calories the body uses (energy expenditure) in the performance of basic biological functions, daily activities, and exercise. However, other conditions affect energy balance and fat accumulation that do not involve excessive eating or sedentary behavior.

These include:


  1. Chronic sleep loss
  2. Consumption of foods that, independent of caloric content, cause metabolic/hormonal changes that may increase body fat. These include foods high in sugar or high fructose corn syrup, processed grains, fat, and processed meats
  3. Low intake of fat-fighting foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, quality protein
  4. Stress and psychological distress)
  5. Many types of medications
  6. Various pollutants


Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI explains many methods to measure obesity- 




  1. Body Mass Index (BMI) ( THE BEST way of assessing obesity )

The body mass index (BMI)  generally reflects the amount of excessive body fat an adult has, although there are certain exceptions, such as the BMI of a woman who is pregnant, an athlete, a bodybuilder, or the elderly.


BMI does not necessarily take into account a person’s distribution of fat (abdominal vs. peripheral), however, and is not a good measurement of the metabolic activity of a person’s fat tissue.

BMI takes into consideration an individual’s height and weight can be determined by using a BMI chart or can be calculated according to one of the following formulas:


  1. Weight in kilograms divided by Height in meters squared (BMI = kg/m2)
  2. Waist Circumference

Waist circumference is the simplest and most common way to measure “abdominal obesity”-the extra fat found around the middle that is an important factor in health, even independent of BMI. It’s the circumference of the abdomen, measured at the natural waist (in between the lowest rib and the top of the hip bone), the umbilicus (belly button), or at the narrowest point of the midsection. In men more than 90cm

In women more than 80 cm Is considered dangerous in terms of metabolic side effects.


Abdominal (waist )  circumference is-

  • Easy to measure
  • Inexpensive
  • Strongly correlated with body fat in adults as measured by the most accurate methods
  • Studies show waist circumference predicts the development of metabolic diseases
    associated with obesity


  • The measurement procedure has not been standardized
  • Lack of good comparison standards (reference data) for waist circumference in children


  1. Waist-to-Hip Ratio

Like the waist circumference, the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is also used to measure abdominal obesity. It’s calculated by measuring the waist and the hip (at the widest diameter of the buttocks) and then dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement.


Waist-to-hip ratio measurement has many advantages –

  • Good correlation with body fat as measured by the most accurate methods
  • Inexpensive
  • Studies show waist-to-hip ratio predicts the development of disease and death in adults


  • More prone to measurement error because it requires two measurements
  • More difficult to measure the hip than it is to measure the waist
  • Turning the measurements into a ratio leads to a loss of information: Two people with very different BMIs could have the same WHR
  • May be difficult to measure and less accurate in individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher



Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI explains about Weight Loss Surgery –


Weight loss surgery is also known as bariatric and metabolic surgery. These terms are used to reflect the impact of these operations on patients’ weight and the health of their metabolism (breakdown of food into energy).


In addition to their ability to treat obesity, these operations are very effective in treating diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol, among many other diseases.


The goal of these operations is to modify the stomach and intestines to treat obesity and related diseases. The operations may make the stomach smaller and also bypass a portion of the intestine. This results in less food intake and changes how the body absorbs food for energy resulting in decreased hunger and increased fullness.

These procedures improve the body’s ability to achieve a healthy weight.


Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI explains How Bariatric Surgery Procedures Help –


  • What do the Bariatric surgery procedures help?
  • Bariatric surgery procedures aim to reduce weight and maintain weight loss through altering energy balance, primarily by reducing food intake and modifying the physiological changes that drive weight regain.
  • Dr Ashish Vashistha, BEST BARIATRIC SURGEON IN DELHI shares his experience with insurance companies covering Bariatric /Metabolic surgery procedures. Lately, a large number of patients have gotapproval for weight loss surgeries provided you have good cover.