Choledocholithiasis & Cholelithiasis

Dr. Ashish Vashistha – Best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Ashish Vashistha is the Best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi, a Senior Robotic laparoscopic surgeon who is HOD Department of Surgery and Robotics Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket Delhi. Explains About Choledocholithiasis & Cholelithiasis.

Choledocholithiasis & Cholelithiasis

My story is a roller coaster ride.  After my college farewell party, suddenly I had severe pain abdomen and was rushed to a nearby emergency clinic. The doctor gave me painkillers and an ultrasound was advised. To my surprise, my pain didn’t subside and I was rushed to meet Dr. Ashish Vashistha – The best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi , Senior Director of HOD Surgery Max Hospital.


Immediately my ultrasound was done along with a few blood tests. GALLBLADDER STONES WITH BILE DUCT STONE was diagnosed.


Dr. Ashish Vashistha – The best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi explained to me all about Gallbladder stones (cholelithiasis) and bile duct stones (choledocholithiais).


Gallbladder stones (Cholelithiasis) and bile duct stone (Choledocholithiais).


Choledocholithiasis is the presence of at least one gallstone in the common bile duct. The stone may be made up of bile pigments or calcium and cholesterol salts.


Dr. Ashish Vashistha – The best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi explained to me all about the Symptoms:-


Symptoms –

  • Pain in the right upper or middle upper abdomen for at least 30minutes. The pain may radiate to the back. The pain may be constant and intense. It can be mild or severe.
  • Fever, shivering
  • Yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice).
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea vomiting
  • Clay-colored stools.


Dr. Ashish Vashistha – The best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi explained to me all about the Diagnosis :-


Diagnosis –


1.   Clinical examination

2.   Ultrasound abdomen

3.  CT Scan abdomen

4.   MRI

5.   ERCP


Dr. Ashish Vashistha – The best Gallbladder Surgeon in Delhi explained to me all about the Management of Cholelithiasis and Choledocholithiasis :-


Management of Cholelithiasis and Choledocholithiasis –


First step-

The gastroenterologist will perform his action –


When blockage can causelife-threatening illness, emergency treatment is best applied with ERCP. The gastroenterologist inserts an endoscope down to the bile duct opening and then releases the stone into the duodenum with a small cutting incision (sphincterotomy).


They try to remove stones and sometimes put a stent to keep the bile duct patent.


Second step-

Senior laparoscopic/robotic surgeon performing cholecystectomy.


Remember Gallbladder stones can remain silent for a long but can be notorious if they slip into the bile duct and cause cholangitis or sometimes pancreatitis.


These are life-threatening conditions.